Hon. Franklin T. Dupree, Jr.
Franklin T. Dupree was born in Angier, N.C. He graduated college from UNC in 1933 and from UNC School of Law in 1936. In this interview he discusses his life and career including his decision to become a lawyer, his firm and law partner Earl Weaver, and many memories of his time as a judge. He tells about being appointed to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina by President Richard M. Nixon in 1970. Other topics include his politics (and the influence of politics on the legal profession in North Carolina), his love of and belief in the court system, his career in the U.S. Navy in World War II (including recollections of combat in the Pacific), the qualities of a good judge, and the most significant and memorable cases over which he presided including the sensational murder trial of Jeffery MacDonald.
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